2020 Summary
In 2019 Colonist was a niche game. In 2020 Colonist has became a worldwide known game played from casual Catan players to celebrities and CEOs.

Hey Colonists,
We just hit a big milestone, v100! We're grateful for all the support the community has provided for Colonist.
In 2019 Colonist was a niche game which only had the base game and only the most hardcore Catan players played.
In 2020 Colonist has 4 expansions and has became a worldwide known game played from casual Catan players to celebrities and CEOs.
We wanted to do a recap of 2020 and share our plans for 2021.
Game Stats from Jan 2020 to Jan 2021:
- Monthly Active Users: 53,471 => 701,851
- Registered Players: 6984 =>287,733
- Games Played: 13,833,827 (Since March)
- Years of Game Time: 37 => 461
- Average Time Per Game: 17 minutes
This year we’ve released 33 versions including lots of fixes & features.
Regarding our player base growth, most of it came from the pandemic. We can easily say the quarantine accelerated our growth by 1 or 2 years. At the peak of the pandemic, we had max 9000 concurrent online users. It went down to 2000 during September and climbed back to 4000 in December.
Also Jeff & Juan joined our team this year accelerating our development speed a lot.
After we started working full time on colonist, first commit was at 24.09.2018.
Development Stats until Jan 2021:
- In development for: 830 days
- Public releases: 97 versions
- Code commits: 14,848
- Lines of TS code: 55,042
- Lines of TS tests: 20,752
- Total lines of TS Code: 75,794 (equivalent to 8 average books)
- Words in patch notes: 9136
- Suggestions done: 219
- Team members: 4
This leads to different kind of comparisons:
- Lines of code per user: 0.26
- Commits per day: 17.8
- Years of game time per resolved suggestion: 2.1
- Days of game time per one commit: 11.3
- Days of game time for each line of code: 2.2
This shows that making changes, improving things, and fixing even small annoyances in the game is worth it. - Kovarex
We received huge support from many contributors around the game helping organize tournaments, fix bugs, handling community, and so on.
Colonist Social Stats from Jan 2020 to Jan 2021:
- Discord Members: ~2,000 => 18,489
- r/Colonist Members: 36 => 574
- Twitter Followers: ~50 => 292
- Instagram Followers: ~50 => 325
- Youtube Subscribers: 16 => 72
- Twitch Followers: 0 => 400
Colonist Community Stats from Jan 2020 to Jan 2021:
- r/Catan Members: 22,718 => 34,584
- DyLighted - Catan: 1,820 => 24,000
- Neonate Gaming: 2,310 => 3,150
- Treeckosaurus Gaming: 429 => 1,800
- Tournaments on Colonist: ~10 => ~100
- Tournament prizes awarded: ~$500 => ~$5000
2021 Plans:
Here is our public to-do list. As can be seen, we’re working on the next item which is Cities & Knights expansion. Then we will work on the mobile version. Then create an ELO system, rankings & leaderboards. We'll also work on the reliability and stabilize servers and connections.
Want to help us to accomplish these? We're looking to increase the size of our team.